Improving Experiences Through Design: Yale Teen Center
Do your little bit of good where you are.
It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
– Desmond Tutu, Emeritus Archbishop
BAM’s goal is to contribute to making the world a better place through the power of design, and we are proud to celebrate the completion of the new Teen Center at Yale New Haven Health. The new center is the resulting collaboration between Yale New Haven Health, The Who’s charity Teen Cancer America and Lauren Telesz, a cancer survivor whose passion raised a majority of the project’s funding. The funding was supplemented by a long-term donor to Yale.
An exciting expansion at Yale New Haven Health, this center focuses on the needs of a unique and often overlooked demographic – teenage cancer patients. At its core, the Lauren Telesz | Smilow Teen Center is a place for hospital bound teens and young adults to go to do what people that age want to do… socialize, explore, imagine, and grow.
Everyone at BAM is proud to be part of the team involved to make this dream a reality.
Teen Cancer America features the opening on their website, here.
We welcome you to view the gallery below, which features photos from the ribbon cutting ceremony and additional photos of the space.
Ribbon Cutting Photography © Yale New Haven Health
Thumbnail + Post Photography © Albert Vecerka | Esto